Monday, August 18, 2008

Attempted breakup

It is very important that as a woman that you realize that you have power. You have to trust your inner voice, your intuition, the holy spirit. There were many times when I knew I had to get out of the relationship. I tried many times to break up with him. He is the only man I met who when I told them the relationship was not working and I wanted out straight up told me that we were not breaking up. He told me that we were still a couple and that whatever he did he was sorry but I couldn't break up with him. He cried and told me that he loved me and needed me. At first I was flattered that he was so determined for us to stay together. Than it became overwhelming.

The next time I broke up with him, I refused to answer his calls. He called me over 40 times in one day. Than he showed up at my house. He looked so pitful and remorseful, that I gave in and took him back. Each time we broke up, he would force himself back on me. I always foolishly would give in. He made me feel needed and wanted, but than at times he made me feel horrible about myself. Still even though I felt I was playing a dangerous game and my intuition told me to stick to my guns, he would have me second guessing myself and I would give in to him. Each time I would end up in a worst situation that I was in before.

His wanting us to stay together became more of a threatening demand than a flattering gesture. Soon it esclated to where he was threatening my life, if I were to ever leave him. He felt that if I ended the relationship it was because I wanted to be in a relationship with another man, and we was never going to allow me to be with anyone else. Never. The fact that we have children together complicated the situation. If I left him, I would have to leave the children with him, he said he would never allow me to be with his kids without him. This anger and scared me. Angered me because during our relationship there were periods for as long as 8 months were I took care of the children with out any help from him. Since 'our' children were born he had never been alone with them for more than a few hours. I was too afraid to leave him alone with them. I was scared because I thought him may kidnap them. Not because he wants to be with them but to get back at me.

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