Monday, October 6, 2008

Verbal Abuse: My Story

My batterer would go back and forth from being very nice and romantic to being very angry. He was extremely verbally abusive and on several occassions threatened to take my life. He keep me isolated from friends and family. He constantly accused me of cheating. It was so bad that he did not like me to ever be out of his sight, because he would be fearful I would do something sneaky. I felt my whole existence had to be about him or he would become insecure.

I was dieing inside. I left him on several ocassions, one time I fled to a Domestic Violence shelter, because I was so afraid he was going to kill me. I would always go back to him because I would miss his sensitive, charming and romantic side. My wake up call came when I became so depressed from living in what felt like a prison that I was thinking of ending my own life. Thank God I took the steps to kept myself and my children safe from him. Now my mission is to spread awareness about Domestic Violence and help women to choose healthy relationships.

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